Stay competitive and save costs

What you can rely on
Key Features
Power, Simplicity & Control
Prepare servers in advance for immediate availability when the need arises. Devide processor, memory, and storage resources to each server as needed without locking them in advance. Shut down the server and divide more processors, memory, or storage when needed.
Support of different Operating Systems
Windows Server 2003 and 2008
Integrated Network and Managed Firewall
AVIANET Cloud Hosting Solutions offer managed Internet connectivity to your virtual machines. The managed firewall feature enables you to change and create firewall rule sets as needed for our environment.
Integrated Load Balancing
Load Balanced services are available by adding extra nodes to public IPs on the Customer Cloud network. Customers can perform load balancing, network address translation (NAT), and port address translation (PAT) on their Cloud nodes as needed.
Your Benefits
Private Network Integration
AVIANET Cloud Hosting solutions can be integrated with your existing private network. AVIANET handles the configuration, address management, and security concerns associated with interconnecting this hybrid environment. All network connections made via secure channels (Dedicated LAN-LAN, or Point-to-Point Circuit connections) that link only subscribed cloud resources to the enterprise network.