How to choose the right Virtual Event Platform?

For some companies the decision to switch to virtual events is hard and they need guidance through the transition and finding the right virtual event platform. In recent research conducted, over 50% of companies say they lack the skills to plan a proper virtual event. 

The switch to virtual events has become increasingly popular, but it can be a challenging decision for many companies. To ensure a successful virtual event, it’s essential to choose the right virtual event platform. Here are some questions to ask when selecting the best fit for your company.

Future-Proofing Investment

You must choose a virtual event platform that has a good management system. Invest in a virtual event platform that can deliver events virtually, in person, and in a hybrid format. This future-proofs your investment and ensures that you can manage all types of events equally. Hybrid events are becoming more popular, so selecting a platform that can manage both types of events is crucial.

Event Management

Nevertheless, you shouldn’t abandon your traditional management tools. Instead, you implement them in your future traditional events. A virtual event platform should be able to manage client invitations, attendee lists, registrations, payments, and other essential event management tasks. A system that covers all your attendee data as well as being a virtual event platform provider will be the right fit. Having all these functions in one place saves time and money. Integration with other tech tools is also helpful to transfer data easily.

Easy Usage

The virtual event platform must be accessible and easy to use for attendees. Keeping people occupied and engaged in an online environment is challenging, so picking a user-friendly platform is essential. The attendees’ feedback and experience will mostly be due to the virtual event platform chosen.

Customization Options

The ability to showcase your brand throughout the virtual event is crucial. A platform that offers customization options and is flexible is essential to create consistency during the event. Every virtual event is different, so having various options to choose from is essential.

Content Delivery

Attendees should have access to live or pre-recorded content during the virtual event. Q&A sessions are also crucial to clarify uncertainties for attendees. Making content available after the virtual event is over is beneficial for those who could not attend.


Attendees join virtual events to meet and connect with other people, making networking crucial. A virtual environment does create a setback for face-to-face meetings, so your virtual event platform must offer various tools to ease the transition. Such as live calling, one-to-one meetings, chat functions, etc., is necessary.

In summary, choose the right virtual event platform as it is crucial to ensure a successful event. The platform should offer all the qualities of an in-person event with more ease and convenience. By following these steps, you can select a virtual event platform that meets your company’s needs.

AVAINET is one platform that is proven to be a one-stop shop for all your virtual event needs.