AVIANET Security Consulting Services help companies rapidly engage cyber security expertise, knowledge and training without the need for in-house hiring. Delivered by experts in both operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT), AVIANET‘s Security Consulting Services offer innovative design and field proven implementation of critical industrial cyber security work to enable businesses to safely implement digital transformation strategies and the Industrial Internet of Things(IIoT).

People Process Technology

Assesment & Audits

Architecture & Design

Network Security

Endpoint Protection

Situational Awareness

Response & Recovery

  • Vulnerability & Risk Assessments
  • Network & Wireless Assessments
  • Cybersecurity / Compliance Audits
  • Industrial Penetration Testing
  • Current State Analysis
  • Secure Design and Optimization
  • Zone & Conduit Separation
  • Policy and Procedures
  • Secure Network Refresh
  • Firewall Next Gen Firewall
  • Access Control
  • Intrusion Detection & Prevention
  • Industrial Patching & Anti Virus
  • Industrial Application Whitelisting
  • End Node Hardening
  • Continuous Monitoring
  • Asset Inventory & Management
  • Threat & Vulnerability
  • Identification (SIEM/IDS)
  • Compliance & Reporting
  • Advanced Threat Intelligence (ATIX)
  • Awareness & Training
  • Vendor Selected Cybersecurity Platform
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Incident Response Planning
  • Incident Response: On Site & Remote
  • Forensics & Analysis

Learn more about Cyber Security Service

Integrated Security Technology

  • Whitelisting
  • Antivirus
  • Next-Generation Firewall
  • IDS & IPS
  • Security Information & Event Management (SIEM)
  • Threat Intelligence

Industrial Security Consulting

  • Industrial Security Program Development
  • Assessment Services
  • Architecture & Design
  • Implementation & Systems Integration
  • Operational Service & Support
  • Compliance Audit & Reporting

Managed Security Service

  • Managed Security Services
  • Secure Remote Access, Patch & AV
  • Continuous Monitoring & Alerting
  • Threat & Vulnerability Vdentification via SIEM & IDS Analytics
  • Incident Response & Recovery/Backup
  • Security Device Management
  • Management of Selected Cybersecurity Platform
  • OT SOC Management & Operations

Let's make something great together.