

Webcasts/Webinars provide multiple speakers the opportunity to share their materials, ideas and thoughts to an unlimited audience. With AVIANET Webcasts/Webinars demo video we share an easy way to connect with all stakeholders. Meaning all employees, customers, potential customers and more. Our priority is to provide a product that makes connection between global organizers and attendees easy and accessible.

Features as real time chat, Q&A, downloadable materials option, speaker list and IT Help are all implemented in our Webcasts/Webinars. This way we can ensure the best event for speakers and their audience. AVIANET Webcasts/Webinars are accessible with web browsers, meaning that there is no need for additional downloading from organizers and participants.

This video demo of AVIANET Webcasts/Webinars is a snippet of the product and features available.

For more information, please schedule a live demo with our team of experts here.


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