Create your next unique 2D event

The Virtual Event Platform in 2D lets you organize and hold interactive, online events for an unlimited number of attendees and exhibitors who can participate from anywhere in the world, using their preferred device.

Use cases:

  • Job & Career fairs
  • Company & Leadership events
  • Conferences & Conventions
  • Trade shows
  • Hybrid events

Platform overview

Branding Brochure Stand Download Center Live Video Matchmaking Tool Presentation/Video Screen Sharing Branding Chat Live Streaming Live Video Polling & Rating Presentation/Video Q&A Screen Sharing Unlimited Audience Booths Event Store Event Survey Information Desk Leaderboard Live Chat Multi Language Profile Promo Video Schedule Tracking Search Feature Branding Chat Live Streaming Live Video Polling & Rating Presentation/Video Q&A Screen Sharing Unlimited Audience Up to 30 Panelists Branding Chat Polling & Rating Q&A Pre-recorded Presentation Pre-recorded Video Branding Chat Live Video Polling & Rating Presentation/Video Promo Video Screen Sharing Up to 30 Participants Whiteboard for Notes Audio/Video Calls Booths Branding Brochure Stands Company Info File Downloads Live Chat Polling & Rating Presentation/Video Screen Sharing AVIANET VIRTUAL EVENT PLATFORM LIVE PANEL DISCUSSION ON-DEMAND AUDITORIUM EVENT HALL EXHIBITION HALL MEETING ROOM LIVE AUDITORIUM VIRTUAL ROUNDTABLE 4 5 6 7 1 2 3

Key Benefits of AVIANET Virtual Event Platform

Global Availability

Digitally Driven Interaction

Unique online events


Let's make something cool together.