Technology Enhanced Learning
Even though, excessive screen time decreases learning concentration it has still proved to be an efficient tool in studying. Technology enhanced learning provides various opportunities for different pace and techniques in learning. It was proven that students learn in different ways, so technology should provide support for everyone. In the next few paragraphs, we will explain why technology enhances learning and is a beneficial tool for educational purposes.
Students learn more and better:
In traditional learning process, students would passively listen to professors and follow the material. Everyone should have been able to learn at the same pace and there was little space for manoeuvres when it comes to teaching. This traditional learning is evolving with the help of technology. Online tools provide more flexible learning experience. With various website content, YouTube videos or apps students can learn at their own time and individual approach. Professors are strongly encouraged to incorporate technology into their teaching methods because it broadens the spectre of learning. Some students are visual types, so they would prefer to have more videos in class content, other might want to have more reading materials. Technology enhanced learning can also offer motivation for students to learn because they look forward to having time on their desktop or laptops. Possibilities with the help of technology are endless.
Technology maintains connection:
Now, when technology enhances learning is a coherent part of education; parents, guardians and professors can be much more connected to student’s learning process and outcomes. This can be a motivator for student’s success. Technology has also enhanced communication between professors and parents because now parents have up to date reports about student’s learning process. Focusing on students, many classes and educational institutions are having mandatory virtual projects with other institutions. The goal of these projects is to teach students to be virtual colleagues, communicate and accomplish assignments together in a timely manner. This example focuses on the importance of technological learning and prepares future working force for the working conditions that they might face.
Handy tools for teaching:
Technology enhanced learning offers mostly free tools to improve learning in classroom. Teachers can find various materials, tools and new information to improve their classes and they benefit greatly from it.
With the help of technology, professors can now email their students’ whole class recordings or any other material regarding the curriculum. Syllabus and everything regarding any course is easily found and read whenever needed. Videos, PDF files or presentations are available for quick downloading or immediately available to send to anyone.
Nowadays, whole university programs can be pursued online, so technology is extremely essential for education.
Classes can be customized to individuals:
Typical traditional class structure is no longer required. Technology enhanced learning provides students with various levels of instruction based on their educational needs. With technological rise, professors can customize the learning process for each student. They can offer different programs, apps, sites of tutorials that help while learning. Students can now advance at their own pace while professors guide them through these studying tools.
Technology enhanced learning tools provide the opportunity for creating tutoring lessons and they are organized much easier than in-person tutoring. Everybody is just one click away!
Project-based learning:
Big part of technology enhanced learning is that students are much more engaged with each other and they use tools like Google Docs or Slides to work together on different projects. Good thing about Google’s educational tools is that students can work on their own schedule and everyone’s contribution is visible. They can even add comments and suggestions to each other which proves to be very beneficial for learning.
Virtual events implementation for better engagement and results:
Gaming is now a big part of virtual events. It enhances engagement and makes the overall event more interesting and memorable. Gaming is a great ice breaker prior to the event because it increases networking between individuals.
Quizzes are also directly connected to gaming. Examples are Trivia or Kahoot. They can increase competitiveness between attendees because you can include prizes. Everybody likes the opportunity to win something. Quizzes can also attract more attendees.
Pooling and rating features give you the opportunity to hear attendees’ opinion, understand their feedback and access data analytics. They are very useful in enhancing the overall quality of your events. In educational purposes, it is convenient because you can see what you can improve as a professor to help your students learn.
Some students are visual learners. This is why AVIANET offers 3D Virtual Event Platforms. With your avatar you can visualize your surroundings and learn in this way. Your avatar can visit booths, presentations and auditoriums, attend meetings and engage with event planners.
Self-assessment as part of technology and learning:
Since the rise of the era of remote learning, technology enhanced learning has initiated insight into student’s learning processes. Technology doesn’t only offer educational solutions, but it shows how to properly apply them. It also boosts interactive learning which is a great part of self-assessment.
Final thoughts:
To sum up, not only does technology enhance learning and make learning much easier and faster. It improves student engagement and fosters a feeling of connection amongst students. Technology enhanced learning accommodates to different learning techniques and provides large expansion beyond textbook learning.