Which industries benefit most from holding Virtual Events?

Benefits of 2D and 3D virtual events are obvious. They are sustainable, fully customizable, easy to use, save on travelling costs, there is global reach of attendees and planning is downgraded to few steps. Due to those reasons, virtual events have become an effective strategy to cultivate online presence and grow the business. In the following text, we will share which industries have benefited the most and how to follow their footsteps.

Education industry:

Education industry has immensely increased the usage of virtual events due to the pandemic. Virtual space replaced classrooms and traditional teaching techniques. Virtual events created more supportive environment for learning. Learning became more flexible and customized. With the help of digital medium, educators can now invite guest speakers from all over the world. They can also create small study groups with the help of breakout rooms or initiate networking sessions.

Universities can now host career education day or university open days with the help of virtual events. Potential students can get all the information from the comfort of their home. Universities can virtual booths to present all brochures, presentations and videos to prospective students. Students can gain knowledge about classes, accommodation, student life, funding and application process all in one event. They can meet faculty and current students to get answers to their questions straightaway.

Virtual events offer flexibility, increased engagement and networking opportunities for both students and universities that choose to take this digitalized path.

Hospitality industry:

Hospitality industry was severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and it was forced to develop new ways of conducting business. Essential detail was to still be able to capture memorable experiences for guests. Another ingredient to ensure success was maintaining health and safety procedures. A part of adaption to virtual events was discovering new ways to connect with customers and to maintain a positive cash flow.

Perfect example of hospitality industry embracing the newly found situation was the RPM Restaurants group in Chicago. They hosted many virtual events during the pandemic. Cooking classes were hosted by their restaurant’s chefs and cocktail mixology classes were hosted by professional barmen. A unique thing they introduced were the virtual events and corresponding meal kits. Meal kits contained all necessary ingredients for cooking classes and mixology classes. Feedbacks regarding their classes were very positive because it brought people together and renowned sense of community.

Another example is Food & Hotel Asia. They held a virtual Food & Hotel Digital Week used as a showcase for new products and inventions. More than 5000 industry professionals attended the event.

Virtual event gave the opportunity for hospitality industry to be creative, more flexible and convenient for everyone.

Marketing industry:

The biggest advantage of hosting virtual events for marketing industry is data collection. In-person events were very difficult for tracking attendee engagement. Engagement details such as number of individual sessions, time spent during the event or number of questions asked is all very useful for capturing beneficial data. Data collected is used for improving upcoming virtual events.

Marketing industry is also connected to social media. Social media thrives on virtual events because virtual events are usually marketed through social media.

Technology industry:

Companies that belong to the technology industry most commonly had no issue switching to virtual events and transforming large-scale conferences and meetings virtually. Example of this smooth transition is Gainsight’s Pulse. Their event consisted of 25 sessions presented by top leading technology companies like Adobe, LinkedIn and so on. The event was attended by more than 22 000 individuals and it was a huge success. The same event was held in-person in 2019 and only 5000 people attended. This number proves that people want convenience and flexibility.

Due to better engagement and data tracking, the tech industry can now host more beneficial events for everyone.

Final thoughts:

To sum up, these four industries took matters to their own hands and took advantage of the current industry and prospered because of it. Take their insight and try to capture the value of online events.